How To Register Pochi La Biashara
What is Pochi la Biashara?
Pochi la Biashara is a Safaricom M-PESA service designed for small business owners in Kenya. It allows you to separate your business funds from your personal funds, making it easier to manage your finances and track your business income.
Who can use Pochi la Biashara?
Any Safaricom customer with an active M-PESA account can use Pochi la Biashara. This includes food vendors, kiosk owners, boda-boda operators, secondhand clothes dealers, and more.
Benefits of Pochi la Biashara:
Simple Sign-up: No paperwork is required.
Separate Business Funds: Keep your business and personal finances organized.
Direct Withdrawals: Withdraw funds from your Pochi la Biashara account at an agent without transferring to your M-PESA account.
Lipa Na Pochi: Pay for goods and services using your Pochi la Biashara funds.
Secure Transactions: Payments received cannot be reversed without your approval.
Sell Airtime: Earn a 5% commission on airtime sold from your Pochi la Biashara wallet.
Mini Statements: Access your latest transactions.
Easy Access to Information: Find answers to your questions in the “Know More About the Service” section on the USSD menu.
Features of Pochi la Biashara:
- Send Money
- Sell Airtime
- Make Payments to Other Businesses
- Withdraw Cash (at an Agent)
- Move Money Between Pochi and M-PESA
- Pochi Account Management
- Know More About Pochi
Rates and Charges:
Standard M-PESA rates apply. View the tariff here: [](
How to Register for Pochi La Biashara
1. Dial *334# from your M-PESA registered line.
2. Select “Pochi La Biashara”.
3. Select “Join Pochi” and accept the Terms and Conditions.
4. Choose your Business Category from the menu.
Important Information:
- Your M-PESA PIN will be used to approve Pochi la Biashara transactions.
- Upon opting out, any funds in your Pochi la Biashara account will be automatically transferred to your M-PESA account.
Need Help?
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