Raquel Welch Almost Played Mary Ann Summers On Gilligan’s Island

Raquel Welch Almost Played Mary Ann Summers On Gilligan’s Island

In an era where Instagram has allowed celebrities to curate their public images as they see fit, the word “sex symbol” has mostly been retired as anyone can be a sex symbol under the right circumstances. Early sex symbol figures like Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot have never truly gone away, with new generations continuing to discover them through pop culture osmosis or being name-checked in pop songs. In 2023, movie star, model, and international sex symbol Raquel Welch passed away, marking an end to the “classic” era of sex symbols. Her legacy as a sex symbol is well documented, with her biography by Peter Haining boasting the title “Raquel Welch: Sex Symbol to Super Star,” not to mention the fact a huge poster of her from “One Million Years B.C.” is used to cover the increasingly deep escape hole in Andy Dufresne’s jail cell in “The Shawshank Redemption.”

Welch was very aware of how she was perceived by the general public, which inspired her to seek out roles like the titular “Myra Breckinridge” or in “Bandolero!” as an attempt to prove to the world that she was more than just her looks. It took years for the studio system to accept that Welch could do more in front of the camera, but that didn’t stop her from trying. In fact, before she made her breakthrough with “A Swingin’ Summer” in 1965, Welch was one of the over 350 actresses who tried out for a role on “Gilligan’s Island.” Given her glamorous Hollywood looks, it would be safe to assume that Welch was gunning for the role of Ginger Grant. However, Welch was actually looking for something a little more against type.

Raquel Welch almost played Mary Ann Summers

According to MeTV, the broadcasting channel specializing in classic television, Raquel Welch had auditioned to play Mary Ann Summers, the ingénue and typical girl-next-door character made famous by Dawn Wells. Mary Ann was meant to counterbalance Tina Louise’s Ginger Grant with her sweetheart looks and practical domestic skills. She ends up on the island after winning a trip on the three-hour tour in a contest and traveling alone to the S.S. Minnow from her home state of Kansas. This backstory informed Mary Ann’s iconic look — gingham and pigtails inspired by Judy Garland’s Dorothy Gale in “The Wizard of Oz.”

Wells was a former pageant queen with teacup-saucer eyes and a youthful demeanor, making her perfect for Mary Ann. Welch, regardless of talent, has never looked like “the girl next door.” For years, there have been rumors circulating (that have not been substantiated) that Welch lost out on the gig for being “too sexy,” and she purportedly could have risked outshining Tina Louise as Ginger, who is supposed to be the “sexier” of the two women.

Mary Ann Summers would become Wells’ signature role, while Welch went on to become a bombshell icon. It seems as if everything played out exactly as it should.

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