Stephen King Had A Secret Cameo In The Original Frasier Series
One neat thing about the original “Frasier” series was that it had some major guest stars we never actually got to see. In fact, it had a ton of major guest stars we never got to see. Dr. Crane’s KACL talk radio show provided the perfect opportunity to land some of the greatest guests in TV history without having to worry about getting the celebrities into the studio — although Linda Hamilton actually doubled up as a caller and an in-person guest on “Frasier.” Everyone from Christopher Reeve to Carrie Fisher called the good doctor for advice over the course of the show’s 11 seasons, and it wasn’t just actors.
“Frasier” also played host to the voices of musicians Eddie Van Halen and Art Garfunkel, as well as tennis star John McEnroe. While the show never struggled to get big-name actors in the flesh, these “hidden” cameos made for an undeniably cool and unique element of the show. Aside from actors, musicians, and sports stars, “Frasier” even managed to get legendary horror author Stephen King to call into “The Dr. Frasier Crane Show,” and again, you’d never know it was the man himself unless you were paying close attention to the credits.
Stephen King might have the shortest Frasier cameo ever
“Frasier” had a ton of great Christmas episodes, and while season 6’s “Merry Christmas Mrs. Moskowitz” is commonly thought of as the finest, season 8, episode 8, “Mary Christmas” is far from the worst. It sees Frasier eager to host the Seattle Christmas Parade — a wish which he fulfills only to be upstaged by the exuberant Dr. Mary (Kim Coles).
Before Frasier even manages to make it to the commentary booth, however, the episode opens with a typical scene of him hosting his radio show and fielding calls from Seattle citizens. It’s here that we get what might be the shortest cameo in “Frasier” history as Dr. Crane announces he only has a minute before he has to cut to the news before a caller named Tom (voiced by Austrian chef Wolfgang Puck) says he’ll wait until after the news to be given adequate time. Then, Stephen King calls in as Brian “on a car phone.” After Frasier delivers his classic “I’m listening” line, Brian responds with “For what, 30 seconds? I’ll wait, too” — and that’s it. King’s entire cameo wraps up in about three seconds and most viewers had no idea the horror legend was on the other end of the phone.
Though it may seem like a bit of a waste of a big name to have King call in for three seconds, “Frasier” was never wanting for guest stars, and it is a testament to the show’s ability to attract great guests that it can afford to give Stephen King such a brief cameo. It also makes for a cool little Easter egg which prior to the internet age would have only been revealed to those who paid attention to the equally brief credit at the end of the episode.
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